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The Vision Center at Murray Ophthalmology Associates will have you seeing your best.

Your Eyes and You


In order to see, your eye bends light through a clear lens, which is located just behind the iris (the colored part of your eye). When this lens gets cloudy, either from age, sun exposure, disease, or injury, we say that a cataract has formed. As a cataract worsens, your vision decreases, and images often look fuzzy or blurry. Sometimes it causes problems driving at night. Surgery is performed to remove the cloudy lens, and a new artificial lens is put in its place. The surgery is outpatient and usually takes less than 15 minutes.


Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. It is a disease of the optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits signals from the eye to the brain that we perceive as vision. Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve is slowly and progressively damaged, often through increased eye pressure. If glaucoma is not diagnosed and treated, it can progress to blindness. Early intervention is critical to slowing optic nerve damage and saving vision. Symptoms of glaucoma may not appear before damage has been done, so having regular, routine eye exams are recommended to diagnose glaucoma in its early stages.

Diabetes and the Eyes

Having diabetes puts you at a greater risk of going blind by developing glaucoma, cataracts, or a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. Uncontrolled blood sugar causes damage to the blood vessels that feed the eye, mainly the back portion of the eye called the retina. When these blood vessels are damaged, they cause swelling in the retina, causing you to experience blurred vision. The damaged blood vessels can also cause scars in the eye that distort or detach the retina, leading to blindness. Damaged retinas can be treated surgically or sometimes with specialized lasers. If you have diabetes, regular eye screenings are critical to maintaining the health of your eyes. The American Diabetic Association recommends yearly eye exams for all patients with diabetes.

Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration is an aging change of the retina. The retina is like the film in the camera of the eye, and macular degeneration (also called “AMD”) causes damage to it. AMD can be wet or dry, and either kind can take away central vision. New advances have allowed treatment for some kinds of AMD. It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to see if you have developed AMD and could benefit from any treatment.
In addition to a full-service optical shop, we offer routine vision screenings, glaucoma monitoring, and a wide range of surgical procedures, including surgery for cataracts, eyelid lifts, glaucoma treatment, laser surgery and diabetic eye care.